Banahaw Community seeks donation of children's books & school supplies.
We are making an appeal to schools, libraries and churches to donate their gently used books to Banahaw Community's public library located in Lucban, Quezon.
See email below:
Dear Toni,
Thank you for responding to my email, among the educational resource materials available Banahaw Community Development Center are books for pre-schoolers, elementary, high and college such as English, Social Studies, Social Science, Story Books and reading materials on children's rights.
Banahaw Community programs and projects are as follows;
1. Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood Skills Program for parents and out of
school youth which includes provision of agricultural and skills trainings,
capital and technical assistance.
2. Children and Youth Development and Empowerment Program which includes;
a. Child development activities includes child tutoring, art and painting, theater arts,
value formation, team building, leadership training, and socialization activity
for Under Five Children such as educational games. One of the objectives of
the child development activity is for the children to become sociable,
increase awareness on different issues for children and build leadership
among them and enhance different talents and skills on their chosen field
of interest.
b. Child Friendly School and Community Project - includes partnership with
Local Government Units (LGUs), Department of Education (DepEd) and
Yakap sa Kaunlarang ng Bata, Inc. (a federation of parents association
in Southern Luzon). Establishing the CFSC demands that a number of
issues be addressed through an integrated approach. The objective is to
develop a system of quality components, quality learners, quality content,
quality teaching - learning processes, quality learning environment and
quality learning outcomes.
c. Bukluran Project binding together the family within a cell or group of
8 to 10 families meet to talk about issues and concern of the group and
the possible solution. Capacity building activities such as value formation,
livelihood, non-formal education, medical were also provided for their spiritual,
mental, moral, physical and cognitive development.
Among the needed educational materials of the center are the following; educational toys for under five children, flash cards, coloring books, art and paiting materials, world maps and globes, encyclopedia, dictionaries, books for Natural Science, Health, Religion, English, Music, Arts and Science, Social Science, Social Studies, and Children's Books, educational videos or films and educational music for children, youth and parents.
There are 620 children/families enrolled in Banahaw Community.
The role of the CCF - Philippines is to assist the federation find ways how child's poverty could be minimized or eliminated and assists the federation for partnership with other agencies, mobilize resources and mobilize the parents, youth and children to handle such programs and projects for sustainability.
Thank you and our warm regards!
CCF- Philippines