JULY 24, 2008
Peace education mainstreamed in schools
The ways of peace will now be taught in public schools and be incorporated in teacher education – part of the government’s initiative to build and nurture a climate conducive to peace through education.
This develops as the Department of Education today joins other agencies and civil
representatives in the signing of the implementing rules and regulation (IRR) for Executive Order 570: Institutionalizing Peace Education in Basic Education and Teacher Education.
The inter-agency Technical Working Group (TWG), composed of the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP), DepEd, Commission on Higher Education (CHEd), National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) and civil society representatives, helped draft the IRR.
DepEd and OPAPP have earlier developed elementary and high school peace education
exemplars as a way of mainstreaming peace education in the basic formal and non-formal education curriculum.
CHEd, meanwhile, shall introduce and institutionalize peace education among teachers through pre-service and in-service training.
Education Secretary Jesli Lapus said, “DepEd will incorporate peace education where it matters because we believe in the power of education to change the mindset of people towards peace. “He assured that instructional materials will also be developed, produced, and disseminated as additional tools while the adaptation and adoption of video peace modules through a series of workshops will also be strengthened.
The TWG has refined the IRR draft after two major consultations: the Mindanao-wide
Consultation on Peace Education, organized by the Mindanao Peace Education Forum
(MinPEF) and the National Consultation Workshop on EO 570, organized by OPAPP and TWG.
According to EO 570, DepEd will serve as co-chair of the coordinating structure. It will spearhead the mainstreaming peace education concepts, skills and values in the learning content of the basic education and alternative learning systems (ALS).
It is tasked to encourage and nurture local peace initiatives in schools, ALS local systems and communities and to organize peace education learning circles/teams in the region, division and school level.
“The peace problems are very complex and no one has all the answers. However, everyone can do something in his or her little way to bring us a step closer to the attainment of peace,” he stressed.
To serve as partner in building a legacy of hope in transforming a new generation through the power of literacy. 1050 Wilde Run Court Roswell, GA 30075 EIN No. 20-5508331 Since 2005
Galing Foundation, Inc.
is a non profit 501 (c) 3 tax exempt charitable organization registered in the State of Georgia
GFI assists in providing quality educational resources to underserved public schools, libraries and day care centers.
GFI assists in providing quality educational resources to underserved public schools, libraries and day care centers.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
DepEd: Lapus advocates education for sustainable development
JULY 18, 2008
Lapus advocates 'education for sustainable development'
Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary Jesli Lapus today cited the urgency of tapping both formal and informal learning systems in an effort to incorporate sustainable development and environment education in the Philippine public school curriculum.
In the Consultative Workshop on EFA Towards Sustainable Development at Club Filipino, San Juan, the Education Chief challenged local policy-makers and officials to make this Decade of Education for Sustainable Development meaningful to all.
Lapus, who is also the National Education for All (EFA) Committee Chair, said that "DepEd has directed its efforts towards the provision of basic learning tools which include care of the environment for sustainable development. Yet more needs to be done."
The United Nations – Decade of Education for Sustainable Development is a vast undertaking that requires involvement of all education stakeholders in government, civil society, educational institutions, and private organizations.
Teacher training in the areas of environment education that draws on local inputs, contexts, and values, as mentioned by Lapus, will be "strategic to meeting our Education for Sustainable Development goals."
The workshop sought to provide a platform for creating awareness of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as a development strategy, and discuss ESD performance indicators. It also featured a discussion on the definition of ESD and how its accomplishments are measured by the Asia Pacific ESD Performance Indicators.
Further, Lapus said that "we education stakeholders have to ensure that sustainable development – which is the watchword of the century - should be well incorporated in the lessons and values we teach our children. They have to learn early on that nature is finite and there's a lot of catching up to do in terms of reviving the environment."
Communications Unit
Office of the Secretary | Department of Education
2/F Rizal Bldg., Department of Education Complex
Meralco Ave., Pasig City
T (632) 6316033 | F (632) 6364876
JULY 18, 2008
Lapus advocates 'education for sustainable development'
Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary Jesli Lapus today cited the urgency of tapping both formal and informal learning systems in an effort to incorporate sustainable development and environment education in the Philippine public school curriculum.
In the Consultative Workshop on EFA Towards Sustainable Development at Club Filipino, San Juan, the Education Chief challenged local policy-makers and officials to make this Decade of Education for Sustainable Development meaningful to all.
Lapus, who is also the National Education for All (EFA) Committee Chair, said that "DepEd has directed its efforts towards the provision of basic learning tools which include care of the environment for sustainable development. Yet more needs to be done."
The United Nations – Decade of Education for Sustainable Development is a vast undertaking that requires involvement of all education stakeholders in government, civil society, educational institutions, and private organizations.
Teacher training in the areas of environment education that draws on local inputs, contexts, and values, as mentioned by Lapus, will be "strategic to meeting our Education for Sustainable Development goals."
The workshop sought to provide a platform for creating awareness of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as a development strategy, and discuss ESD performance indicators. It also featured a discussion on the definition of ESD and how its accomplishments are measured by the Asia Pacific ESD Performance Indicators.
Further, Lapus said that "we education stakeholders have to ensure that sustainable development – which is the watchword of the century - should be well incorporated in the lessons and values we teach our children. They have to learn early on that nature is finite and there's a lot of catching up to do in terms of reviving the environment."
Communications Unit
Office of the Secretary | Department of Education
2/F Rizal Bldg., Department of Education Complex
Meralco Ave., Pasig City
T (632) 6316033 | F (632) 6364876
DepEd: Lapus welcomes DILG’s funding support to public schools
JULY 21, 2008
Lapus welcomes DILG’s funding support to public schools
Supporting the call of Education Secretary Jesli Lapus for other sectors to help
bring school-aged children to school, the Department of Interior and Local
Government (DILG) recently directed the local government units to provide
supplemental funding for public schools through the local school boards.
In Memorandum Circular No. 95 sent to provincial governors, city and
municipal mayors, vice governors and DILG regional directors, DILG Acting
Secretary Austere Panadero urged the local school boards to provide funding
for at least during the first two months of the school year when the Parent,
Teacher, Community Association (PTCA) collections are not yet available.
Among the services which require regular funding are pre-school classes,
utilities, security and janitorial needs.
“The support of the DILG to pay for basic school services is most welcome as
we try to get more schools to accept 5 to 11 years old to enroll and stay in
school,” Education Secretary Jesli Lapus said.
In a study released earlier by the National Statistical Coordination Board, the
percentage of children enrolled in primary school went down to 83 % in school
year 2006-2007, from 90% five years earlier. The dwindling number of school
enrollees is attributed to widespread poverty aggravated by rising cost of fuel
and food.
In the same memorandum, Panadero also enjoined the local executives to
support DepEd and the community in ensuring that school-aged children
actually enroll in school.
According to the Education Chief, “improving school attendance is the
responsibility of the entire community. Parents, local government units, and the
local school boards should work hand-in-hand with DepEd in increasing
participation rate and, consequently, reduce drop-out incidence among school
Lapus has earlier called on the LGU’s city and municipal councils to come up
with an anti-truancy ordinance that will compel parents to constantly keep their
children to school.
Among the measures currently implemented by DepEd to ease the financial
obstacle to parents and keep children in school are the no collection and no
uniform policy, school feeding program and alternative learning systems for
learners outside of the formal school system.
DepEd also reiterates that from preschool to grade 4, no collection of fees shall
be allowed throughout the school year. From grade 5 up, authorized fees – such
as Red Cross, Boy and Girl Scouts of the Philippines, and PTCA fees – may be
collected but only on a voluntary basis.
Studies show that students who have enough preparation in pre-school up to
grade three are most likely to stay in school longer.
Meanwhile, DILG also advised the LGUs to consider the public school’s
budgetary requirements in reviewing and revising approved local school board
budgets as well as other priorities which have been identified in schools’
improvement plans.
JULY 21, 2008
Lapus welcomes DILG’s funding support to public schools
Supporting the call of Education Secretary Jesli Lapus for other sectors to help
bring school-aged children to school, the Department of Interior and Local
Government (DILG) recently directed the local government units to provide
supplemental funding for public schools through the local school boards.
In Memorandum Circular No. 95 sent to provincial governors, city and
municipal mayors, vice governors and DILG regional directors, DILG Acting
Secretary Austere Panadero urged the local school boards to provide funding
for at least during the first two months of the school year when the Parent,
Teacher, Community Association (PTCA) collections are not yet available.
Among the services which require regular funding are pre-school classes,
utilities, security and janitorial needs.
“The support of the DILG to pay for basic school services is most welcome as
we try to get more schools to accept 5 to 11 years old to enroll and stay in
school,” Education Secretary Jesli Lapus said.
In a study released earlier by the National Statistical Coordination Board, the
percentage of children enrolled in primary school went down to 83 % in school
year 2006-2007, from 90% five years earlier. The dwindling number of school
enrollees is attributed to widespread poverty aggravated by rising cost of fuel
and food.
In the same memorandum, Panadero also enjoined the local executives to
support DepEd and the community in ensuring that school-aged children
actually enroll in school.
According to the Education Chief, “improving school attendance is the
responsibility of the entire community. Parents, local government units, and the
local school boards should work hand-in-hand with DepEd in increasing
participation rate and, consequently, reduce drop-out incidence among school
Lapus has earlier called on the LGU’s city and municipal councils to come up
with an anti-truancy ordinance that will compel parents to constantly keep their
children to school.
Among the measures currently implemented by DepEd to ease the financial
obstacle to parents and keep children in school are the no collection and no
uniform policy, school feeding program and alternative learning systems for
learners outside of the formal school system.
DepEd also reiterates that from preschool to grade 4, no collection of fees shall
be allowed throughout the school year. From grade 5 up, authorized fees – such
as Red Cross, Boy and Girl Scouts of the Philippines, and PTCA fees – may be
collected but only on a voluntary basis.
Studies show that students who have enough preparation in pre-school up to
grade three are most likely to stay in school longer.
Meanwhile, DILG also advised the LGUs to consider the public school’s
budgetary requirements in reviewing and revising approved local school board
budgets as well as other priorities which have been identified in schools’
improvement plans.
Friday, July 25, 2008
GFI Box Nos. 75, 76 & 77 to Mindanao & Quezon
Photo: Lauren Luetgers, Kaitlyn Gustilo & Melissa Luetgers
Doraville, GA - July 24, 2008
Galing Foundation, Inc. volunteers Lauren & Melissa helped shipped GFI box nos. 75, 76 & 77 to Mindanao & Quezon. Many thanks our partners, the Filipino American Association of Columbus, Georgia & Marilyn Doromal of K&M Tutorial Learning Center for their donation.
The goods were shipped via Monlu Forwarders in Manila Mart. The shipment can be tracked via using invoice no. MM119 for Mindanao & invoice no. MM120 for Mulanay, Quezon.
GFI Box 72, 73 & 74 shipped to Mindanao
Doraville, GA - July 7, 2008 Galing Foundation, Inc. volunteers Lauren & Melissa Luetgers helped ship GFI boxes nos. 72, 73 & 74 containing children's books donated by Queen of Angels Catholic School and Bridgeway Christian Academy to Mindanao.
Monlu Forwarders invoice no. 70442 can be tracked online via
Special thanks to Bryan Burtnick & Manila Mart.
Cross of Life Lutheran Endowment Fund of the Lutheran Community Foundation Grants GFI $1,200 to provide school supplies to 200 students in Lucban
No distance too far for children's literacy
No distance too far for children's literacy by Marilyn Z. Doromal
"Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan." This reminds me of our great national hero Dr. Jose Rizal as he trekked many miles from the hills of Odenwald,Wilhelmsfeld to get to Heidelberg University for an education he will forever be remembered. Galing Foundation is re-living the heroism of many of us who dreamt of sharing our good
fortune to the young illiterate oppressed children of Quezon and Mindanao. Galing's goal to literacy was warmly welcomed by Columbus folks as they generously provided
food boxes, powdered milk,(courtesy of Ms. Ellen Balauitan) brand new backpacks with school supplies partly donated by Basilio Clinic), and of course hardcover books that'll open avenues and inspire the youngest Filipinos to dream and explore.
Hosted by K&M TLC K-12 Academic Tutoring Center, Columbus welcoming committee role modeled Fil-Am generosity at its finest. Headed by FAA President John Campos,( who excitedly brought in donated goods few days prior to turn over) Mr & Mrs. Arnold Taganas, Mr.& Mrs. Daryl Guernsey, FAA VP Dr. Jo Galang Ray, Dr. Bernie & Mrs. Manasan of Ft. Benning,Ms. Norma Dodd and NaFFAA's Fil-Language Immersion students
with frontliner 6 year old "reading wiz,"Kevin Guernsey, genuine generosity poured. Added to the photo opp was Lauren Daya-Luetgers creative eyes for the lenses.
For dinner ,baby back ribs barbecue was prepared by 16 year old Mike Dominguez.All these... for the children in the Philippines they want to meet in the future. A family occasion worthy of 2 This event was so meaningful that no distance is too far to touch the lives and give hope to the dreams of these young poor children threatened by the ultimate poverty in human history- Illiteracy.
To Arjhou and Ces, thank you for taking the time driving in an afternoon where you should be with your family.
Maraming Salamat Galing at Mabuhay! Got more books to haul here.......any volunteer/s???
SSA Diversity Day Celebration features Mindanao

The Regional Office of the Social Security Administration held its 2008 Diversity Day Celebration on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 in the Sam Nunn Federal Center, downtown Atlanta. This year’s theme was “Triumph through Diversity”.
The event was attended by approximately 100-150 employees who were entertained with a program designed to be educational and a fun way of learning about different cultures.
Our very own Arjho Turner, Galing Foundation volunteer, was one of the performers for the event, wowing the federal employees with her traditional Blaan Tribal dance. Organizers for the event, received numerous favorable comments about her performance.
Other performers from the Asian communities included the Southeast Korean Dance Association and a Middle Eastern Dancer. The keynote speaker was Dr. Josephine Tan. Food included a variety of dishes from numerous countries.
Our special thanks to Arjho and Galing Foundation for supporting the event.
Jane Rolen
Civil Rights & Equal Opportunity
GFI Voter Registration Outreach & Education event on Aug. 31 plus Filipino Entertainment
Galing Foundation, Inc. in cooperation with Dynamic Vision Entertainment, LLC presents
Sine at Salu-Salo
Sunday, August 31
Hembree Park Community Room
850 Hembree Park
Roswell, GA 30075
This event is FREE and open to the public. Donate new and gently used childrens books and school supplies.
Seats are limited. RSVP:
Order your box dinner, email Mabuhay Store : or call 404 361-9313.
Choice of Beef or Chicken with Rice plus dessert
Cost: $8 per person
1:00-3:00 Q&A on Voter Registration by CPACS/GAPICC Voter Registration Committee
"Immigration & Citizenship" by Sarah Hawk, Fisher & Phillips, LLC
"Government Services" by Jane Rolen, Soc. Sec. Admin.
3:00-6:00 "Sine at Salu-Salo" featuring "Ikaw Pa Rin" starring Robin Padilla & Ai-Ai Delas Alas
DVE & Mabuhay (Philippine) Products will be on SALE.
Sine at Salu-Salo
Sunday, August 31
Hembree Park Community Room
850 Hembree Park
Roswell, GA 30075
This event is FREE and open to the public. Donate new and gently used childrens books and school supplies.
Seats are limited. RSVP:
Order your box dinner, email Mabuhay Store : or call 404 361-9313.
Choice of Beef or Chicken with Rice plus dessert
Cost: $8 per person
1:00-3:00 Q&A on Voter Registration by CPACS/GAPICC Voter Registration Committee
"Immigration & Citizenship" by Sarah Hawk, Fisher & Phillips, LLC
"Government Services" by Jane Rolen, Soc. Sec. Admin.
3:00-6:00 "Sine at Salu-Salo" featuring "Ikaw Pa Rin" starring Robin Padilla & Ai-Ai Delas Alas
DVE & Mabuhay (Philippine) Products will be on SALE.
GFI supports GA Asian American Voter Registration Outreach & Education

Photo: Alfred Yin (OCA), Leng Yin (OCA), Toni Daya-Luetgers (GFI)
standing: Lindsay Romasanta (GAAPICC), Judy Yi (CPACS) and Alex Wu (OCA)
Are you being heard? Put power behind your voice and register to vote.
On July 7, 2008 the Voter Registration Subcommittee for the Georgia Asian Pacific Islander Community Coalition came together for their first voter registration drive. The kickoff event was held at the Center for Pan Asian Community Services in Doraville.
Future Voter Registration events are listed below and more details can be found on
July 12th Fil Am Atlanta Bingo Event
July 12th OCA 25th Annivesary Banquet
August 9th APAC Health Fair
August 31st Galing Foundation, Inc. "Sine at Salu-Salo" (Movie & Dinner) Event
Asian American organizations and groups are encouraged to incorporate a Voter Registration in your next event. If you are an Asian American business owner, consider having Voter Registration applications in your establishment for your customers.
The Voter Registration Subcommittee is composed of the following organizations and individuals: Judy Yi (CPACS), Toni Daya Luetgers (Galing Foundation, Inc.), Eleanor Pascual (APAC and Fil-Am Atlanta) Alfred Yin (Organization of Chinese Americans) and Lindsay Romasanta (GAAPICC).
If you would like to learn more about voter outreach and education, or would
like to volunteer to register to vote, please contact Lindsay Romasanta at or at 770.936.0969
Friday, July 04, 2008
BallOFun raised over $500 and collected 2 balikbayan boxes of books and school supplies
Galing Foundation, Inc. and raised over $500 last Saturday, June 28 at Hembree Park in Roswell. The gathering of almost 200 members from the Filipino community in Atlanta in partnership with non-profit organizations and business groups, helped create a successful event.
GFI thanks its great volunteers, partners, participants, friends, donors and:
Abundant Life Church
Ariel Lopez
Biboy & Liz Morales
Catherine Castelo
CareNet Pregnancy Resource Center in Atlanta
Center for Pan Asian Community Services
Conrad Gutlay
Dr. Abe Magat
Georgia Asian Pacific Islander Community Coalition
Ed & Beth Villanueva
Faith Ward
Filipino American Christian Church
Grace & Omar Ragheb
Gawad Kalinga GA Team
I&M Catering
Jojo Espinoza
Lehnie Estacio
Liga Sa Georgia
Lindsay Romasanta
Mabuhay Store
Marilyn Doromal
Mike Anthony Doromal Dominguez
Ministry in Motion
National Federation of Filipino American Association Region 4
Petrina Houseworth
Philippine American Women's Association of GA
Philippine Nurses Association of GA
Rodney & Evelyn Barron
Rebecca Froncosky
Shea Essentials
Spiked Punch Team
Social Security Administration
Soli Jems Massage
Soli & Rod
Tina Stroud
Toni Nardiello
Troopers Team
Ultimate Destiny International
Willing Heart Word Ministry
Willy Blanco
Yakiniku Team
Yotin Srivanjarean
GFI thanks its great volunteers, partners, participants, friends, donors and:
Abundant Life Church
Ariel Lopez
Biboy & Liz Morales
Catherine Castelo
CareNet Pregnancy Resource Center in Atlanta
Center for Pan Asian Community Services
Conrad Gutlay
Dr. Abe Magat
Georgia Asian Pacific Islander Community Coalition
Ed & Beth Villanueva
Faith Ward
Filipino American Christian Church
Grace & Omar Ragheb
Gawad Kalinga GA Team
I&M Catering
Jojo Espinoza
Lehnie Estacio
Liga Sa Georgia
Lindsay Romasanta
Mabuhay Store
Marilyn Doromal
Mike Anthony Doromal Dominguez
Ministry in Motion
National Federation of Filipino American Association Region 4
Petrina Houseworth
Philippine American Women's Association of GA
Philippine Nurses Association of GA
Rodney & Evelyn Barron
Rebecca Froncosky
Shea Essentials
Spiked Punch Team
Social Security Administration
Soli Jems Massage
Soli & Rod
Tina Stroud
Toni Nardiello
Troopers Team
Ultimate Destiny International
Willing Heart Word Ministry
Willy Blanco
Yakiniku Team
Yotin Srivanjarean
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