GFI Box Nos. 82 & 83 shipped to Lucban to benefit disabled children under DepEd September 5, 2008, Doraville, GA Galing Foundation, Inc. box nos. 82 & 83 were shipped via Monlu Forwarders (tracking no. 19967 )at Manila Mart to benefit disabled children under DepEd Paaralang Elementarya ng Lucban 1 who appealed to the Foundation back in May 12, 2008.
Many thanks to our donors of children's books, school supplies, resource materials to: Friends of Roswell Library, Joe & Nori Clark, Lauren & Melissa Luetgers, Aaron & Angelo Alberto. Contributions to GFI shipping cost was made by Arjho & Bernard Turner and Mabuhay Store.
Also thanks to our partner Manila Mart & Bryan Burtnick.