Galing Foundation, Inc.

is a non profit 501 (c) 3 tax exempt charitable organization registered in the State of Georgia

GFI assists in providing quality educational resources to underserved public schools, libraries and day care centers.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Galing Foundation, Inc. hosted an Appreciation Exhibit at Cross of Life Lutheran Church

August 10, 2008, Sunday

Galing Foundation, Inc. hosted an Appreciation Exhibit at Cross of Life Lutheran Church in Roswell.

Members and guests of Cross of Life Lutheran Church in Roswell were treated to "A Taste of Philippines", a sampling of popular Filipino food and drinks as well as a showcase of artworks and thank you notes by Filipino indigent children under the Foundation. Handicrafts from Lucban, Quezon and Mindanao were also part of the exhibit last Sunday.

The main purpose of the exhibit was for the Foundation to express its sincere thanks to the Cross of Life Endowment Fund of the Lutheran Community Foundation, to the church and its local supporters for their genuine concern for the education of the needy children.

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